Wednesday, December 5, 2012


 More Whidbey Islanders have sent in thoughts and pictures of their dogs. How cool is that! Little giggles bubble up in my heart (they really do) when I hear of people speak of their dogs with such warmth and love. Think of the things that we are privy every day, because we share our homes with dogs: humor, affection, tenacity, stoicism and, of course, their unconditional love. Those are some pretty amazing lessons to have at our feet, wouldn't you say?  

Sarah loves her teddy bear, but has a little trouble getting him to behave. 
Nothing like a good bite on his nose to put him in his place!    
Sarah lives with Sandra Staats

And, I'm hoping we will get a picture of Poodle and Bad Dog; meanwhile, here is this family's story (from Ligeia Lester)

I have two dogs, and two children. Coincidence? I think not. For the purposes of this story, I will call the kids P and J. The dogs will be known as Poodle and Bad Dog. Originally, we got the poodle because we are, essentially, DOG PEOPLE. I mean, we like dogs, sure, as much as the next guy, but then multiply that by about... 47. (our favorite number is infinity, but that won't work in this particular equation, now, will it?) 

P, in fact, was the kind of kid who would approach any dog, anywhere, and ask to play. Of course, she was taught dog etiquette, and knows to always talk to the owner first. P was such a dog fanatic, that at the age of 3, she stopped a stranger who was walking by our house. She said, "Excuse me, is that a fetchy dog?" -meaning, does that dog like to play fetch. When told that the dog did like to play fetch, P ran to her room and got a tennis ball. She fetched that dog for nearly 40 minutes in our front yard. Of course, we put a kink in our neighbor's walk, but it was a pretty clear sign to me that P was a dog person, and there was no helping it. 

Now, J, on the other hand... He was not a dog person at first. He was a timid toddler anyways... He was actually afraid of the Easter Bunny for a number of years... So it's no surprise that he disliked dogs out of hand. Of course, that was not to be tolerated by me or P, so we set about changing his mind. We introduced him to quiet dogs, calm dogs, small dogs, any and every dog we could find. But no matter what we tried, he hated dogs. Except for one. Poodle.  Now, Poodle isn't really a poodle; he's a poodle-mix. He's very, very cute, but not so smart. He's incredibly submissive, which means that even a tiny, scared boy-child is higher up in the pecking order. 

Once J figured out that Poodle was scared of him, his entire attitude changed. J set out to show Poodle what a kind, gentle, loving boy he could be. I'm not kidding when I say that dog was the PERFECT dog for our family. I mean, you can't find a better dog. Poodle is not as "fetchy" and playful as P would like, but he is pretty fantastic, and very well-behaved. He knows a handful of commands, but most importantly, he loves us. He loves us so much he can barely contain himself when we get home from school. Poodle races around the yard like his tail is on fire, begging for someone to chase him. And wouldn't you know it, every day, P and J are up for the challenge. Poodle has changed our life. He completes our family. He teaches us, comforts us, challenges us, and loves us. 

Now, I'll have to tell you about Bad Dog later. I bet you can't wait to hear how we wound up with a dog by that name! Til next time, Poodle, and P and J.

(Stay tuned for updates on Poodle, Bad Dog and other Whidbey Dogs!)

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